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About Living Free
Living Free, founded in 1988 as Turning Point Ministries, Inc. by Dr. Jimmy Lee, has proven to be an effective outreach ministry in the United States and abroad. We currently have a presence in 25 countries and are focusing on developing a strong ministry base in Colombia, Russia, France and Arabic-speaking countries.
Living Free provides a general ministry model (plan) for discipleship through small groups that a church can adapt to its ministry situation. The tools are very flexible and can be used in a variety of small group settings both within the church and in outreach ministries. The outreaches are seen in various forms: schools, prison ministries, half-way houses, rehabilitation centers, judicial systems, neighborhood groups, new believers’ classes and more.
- People who are influenced or trapped by life-controlling problems: addictions, behaviors and relationships
- Those who have a loved one in such a situation
- Those who want to be better equipped to minister and disciple people in need
The Living Free model is designed to minister to three groups:
Not just for “those kinds of people”
Living Free addresses the entire church by not labeling people with problems and often surfaces people who would not otherwise seek help.
Focused on Discipleship
While some people find instantaneous freedom through divine deliverance, it seems that most people do not find freedom from life-controlling issues in a one-time event, and even those that do require ongoing discipleship and support. Living Free groups create a safe environment where people can find spiritual support for as long as it takes for them to grow to maturity in Christ.
Here’s what people are saying about Living Free/Turning Point ministry:
From Florida:
I have seen so many lives changed through Turning Point Ministries . . . Turning Point is for everyone because we deal with issues like codependency, approval addiction, weight, setting boundaries, marriage commitment, anger, divorce, grief etc.
From West Virginia:
Small group ministry was launched at our church in July of 1998 when we hosted a Turning Point seminar conducted by you. We formed our Core Team later that year and began our first Insight Groups in early 1999. Since that time small group ministry has flourished at our church . . . Many lives have been touched by what began as a resource for our pastor to help those with life controlling problems. Many leaders have been trained and are now ministering to others. . . . We are grateful for your commitment to small group ministry.
From Colombia:
Our church is very thankful to God and to you for theministry of Living Free. It has been a blessing for pastors, deacons, elders, members of this church and to other churches that have decided to get together on this project. It has brought liberty, healing and restoration. Many people have received new strength to continue their daily Christian walk.
We invite you to visit www.LivingFree.org to learn more about how Living Free can make a difference in your life and ministry.



From the U.S. – a Superior Court Judge: Turning Point has been a blessing to our community and its court system.
From Illinois – Ask anyone who has gone through Living Free and they will quickly tell you it has been a time of spiritual growth, giving them more tools with which to work toward becoming a [more] mature Christian than they had ever imagined.
From Russia – I just think that it is a great material and I think we must do everything possible to translate it into Russian as soon as possible and start training our group leaders and just developing a Russian ministry maybe I just think it’s the greatest tool that we could use.
From Florida – I have seen so many lives changed through Turning Point Ministries. I know when many think of Turning Point, they think of recovery groups for people with life controlling problems like alcoholism and drug addiction but, although old things are passed away and behold all things have become new, we still are in warfare with our flesh and in our minds. We still ‘have issues in our tissues.’ That means that Turning Point is for everyone because we deal with issues like codependency, approval addiction, weight, setting boundaries, marriage commitment, anger, divorce, grief etc.